What is Action Filters ?
1.Action Filters are custom class that allow us to inject pre and post processing logic before
executed of an action Method.
2.Action Filters can be declare in action level and Controller level globally.
3.Custom Action Filters can be create by inheriting the class with "ActionFilterAttribute " and can override any action methods..
Action Filters:-
Authorize: Its Allows only to access the Action or controller who authentication and authorized user.
HandleError: Handle runtime error occured and display the error.
ValidateAntiforgeryToken: Help from forgery attack of site using unwanted request.
OutputCache: store the output of the controller and action method.
ValidateInput: It Restrict to enter danger potential Input.
AllowAnonymus: It Allows any anonymous user can acess controller and action.
Types of ActionFilters
4.Result or ResponseFilter
1.Action Filters are custom class that allow us to inject pre and post processing logic before
executed of an action Method.
2.Action Filters can be declare in action level and Controller level globally.
3.Custom Action Filters can be create by inheriting the class with "ActionFilterAttribute " and can override any action methods..
Action Filters:-
Authorize: Its Allows only to access the Action or controller who authentication and authorized user.
HandleError: Handle runtime error occured and display the error.
ValidateAntiforgeryToken: Help from forgery attack of site using unwanted request.
OutputCache: store the output of the controller and action method.
ValidateInput: It Restrict to enter danger potential Input.
AllowAnonymus: It Allows any anonymous user can acess controller and action.
Types of ActionFilters
4.Result or ResponseFilter