Difference between Constant and ReadOnly in C#
1. Constant and ReadOnly both have similar function.
2. Constant assigned in Compile time and regarding ReadOnly we can change the value during initialize time rather than declaretion. please kindly follow the code.
using System;
namespace Tests1014
public class Program
public const int _cons =10 ;
public readonly int _readonly = 7; // declaretion time
public Program()
// _cons = 8; variable showing red mark because it is assigned in compiletime
_readonly = 9; // readonly runtime "initialize time"
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
Console.WriteLine("a ="+_cons); // no need of creating object because it is static
Console.WriteLine("b =" +p._readonly);
b=9; run time it value of b change 7 to 9.